As a solid B+, I stand close to no chance on a dating app full of dudes and all my pictures of me are holding a fish.
So, here is a website I made to hedge my bets.
You might be skeptical of a guy who is willing to build a server and host his own webpage just to not be alone in a restaurant like this guy…. —->
But give this guy a chance..
“You have always been a little special”
“If you’re not going to drink anymore, at least bring someone that will...”
“You should get a girlfriend, that house is too big for just you. At least look like you are trying. ”
He is really good (or slightly better than average) at lots of things, that nobody asked him to be good at!
Example 1: Catching dinner and making a video of it that no one but his Dad will watch!
Example 2: You can dress him however you want because he only sorta know how to dress himself!
He is getting better at it. It’s just that progress is a little slow.
Lots of oversized sweatshirts to steal!
Example 3: He can 3D print you all kids of cool things to save you money on things you didn’t need!
He can even print replacement parts for your 3D Printer!
Cosplay isn’t his thing but if it’s yours… Galen has you covered!
Always wanted a Sabretooth skull for Christmas??
I think we know how to get one!
Example 4: He gets hyper fixated on fixing things very easily!
… and can sharpen the kitchen knives so you arn’t hunting for the only sharp one!
He works part time at a brewery! Free drinks!
Example 5: He can make a pretty mid lobster roll!
Example 6: He is really good at and will shut up for a while if you give him an Etch-A-Sketch!
Example 6: He loves: long walks, adventures, and wildlife! Think of all the thing you can do!
Go boating everyday of the summer!
Go to the Aquarium!
Save a turtle in the middle of the road!
See a coyote!
You and him could visit a National Park!
Go to another Aquarium!
Steal his parents dog!
Example 7: He is pretty okay at most videogames!
Example 8: He is great at art and can teach you how to paint and draw! Will take lots of photos of you if asked!
I hope this was enough to at least make your day or get a laugh! I have to go to work now so have a great day (or night)!
As you can see, I love fishing and I would love to share the happiness it give me with someone else.
Hopefully you can join me for a walk or a meal. I’m pretty busy but am very flexible and can make time for someone who is willing to get this far down on a cringe website.
I’m just looking for someone to fix network closets with…
… I don’t know what else to put here.